Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Choices: SWPB Baseball Game!

This post celebrates the choices of 80 students who were able to enjoy a day of sun and fun at the ball park!

What is SWPB? It stands for School-Wide Positive Behavior and it works to encourage students to MAKE GOOD CHOICES -- to be free from student referrals. By the way -- there are over 280 students who are referral-free for the ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR! These students will enjoy an end-of-school-year picnic on May 23rd; they will enjoy music, games, and lots of fun -- AND an opportunity to win an iPad Mini!

“Who knows what you could accomplish in life if you made more of the right choices along the way?”

“Listen to the quietest whispers of your mind. They are telling you the choices that will help you the most.”

“It is the big choices we make that set our direction. It is the smallest choices we make that get us to the destination.”

“The end result of your life here on earth will always be the sum total of the choices you made while you were here.”

“Learning what to choose, and how to choose, may be the most important education you will ever receive.”

“If you’d like to know what your choices have been, look at yourself and the life you have lived. What you see is the choices you’ve made.”

“There may be a thousand little choices in a day. All of them count.”

“You cannot manage your life if you do not manage your self. You cannot manage your self if you do not manage your choices. Manage your choices, and you will manage your life.”

All quotes are from: 

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