Dear Halle,
I’m proud of you for choosing to change schools to pursue something you love. I know it’s scary, but you’re going to do great. Don’t be scared to make new friends.

You don’t deserve to feel like you’re not good enough; because you are. You can conquer the world. You can do anything you put your mind to. No dream is too big.
You are capable of anything. Don’t be scared to run for class president. Don’t be scared to run for prom court. If you win; congratulations, if you lose; it’s okay. It’s not a big deal. It’s not the end of the world.
Don't let negative people drag down. You are better than that. People only hate what they can't be. So the best thing you can do is smile, wave, and prove them that you're the best and will keep getting better.
Stop being so hard on yourself. If you don’t like something, change it. Join a gym. Cut your hair. But remember, it’s SO important to be comfortable in your own skin. It’s okay if you’re not perfect. Work on yourself. Work on loving yourself. You come first.
Don’t be scared to speak up. Your voice is important.

And last but not at all least, be happy. No one enjoys being miserable. Wake up and tell yourself it's going to be a good day. You are what you think about. If you think happy thoughts, you'll live a happy life. Don't let little things get you upset; ITS NOT IMPORTANT. Those things won't matter in a week, a month and definitely not a year from now. Things happen. Things go wrong. That's life. Get over it. Just relax. It is all going to be okay.