After reading the title, you might think I’m a wimp, but in fact you’re wrong.
I am the proud sister of two very strong and talented little boys. Well, one “big” boy and one little boy! My brother Darrin is 16 years old and can show you what it looks like to put a puck in the net! He put on his first pair of skates at 12, and he keeps gliding every day toward his dream -- to become a professional NHL hockey player. It amazes me everyday how much he’s growing into a young man. I couldn't be prouder to call him, “Brother,” and I am so thankful that I will be given free tickets to an NHL game one day to watch him!

What I love most about both of them is their sense of never giving up, no matter how tough it gets. With Darrin, he shows strength, both on and off the ice. With little Izzy, his reading in kindergarten wasn't so hot at first, but with the help of speech therapy in school and my mom and me, after the first three months of school, his teacher gave him a certificate for passing out of the speech therapy program!
Growing up, I felt alone. I was the only one running around the house wearing pink, but once Darrin was born, and Izzy sometime after, because of these two precious little boys, I'll never feel alone again.
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To read more articles from The LCCTC Eagle, click here: http://thelcctceagle.blogspot.com/