Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Shining Stars ~ Jacob Troutman

On December 14, 2015, because of the effort of the students and teachers helping with the Shining Star program, six children will be able to smile on Christmas morning.

Early Autumn, the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church held a food bank to provide items such as canned goods to those in need. During this time, participants of the food bank have an opportunity to ask for a certain gift for their child. The church takes these requests and makes paper stars that tell you all about the child and the gift they desire.

Mr. Blank, our Peer Leadership advisor, obtained six stars to be hung on a Christmas tree in Ms. McVicker’s room. From there, LCCTC students were able to take the star and purchase the gift request for the child in need.

Thanks to the efforts of the Shining Star participants, Mr. Blank, and Ms. McVicker, there will be two sweat suits, a toy, two games, and a hoodie to brighten the Christmases of six children somewhere.