Thursday, September 17, 2015

Spotlight: Senior Class President by Jem Montgomery

Meet Halle St. Clair, your Senior Class President. Although her shop is Commercial Arts, she is planning to continue her education at Duquesne University to study pharmacy.
Halle’s favorite part of the education at LCCTC is her teachers. The members of the senior class can all agree that she embodies a wide variety of leadership characteristics, including responsibility, versatility, and cordiality toward her peers that allow her to be a fantastic officer of the senior class.
Halle has earned two silver medals at State Competition with the SkillsUSA Opening and Closing team, and this year, serving as the team president, she looks forward to adding a gold to her collection. In her spare time she enjoys hunting, fishing, shopping, and attending concerts. She balances her love of working out with frequent visits to Dunkin' Donuts for her signature flavor: Iced Double-Double Pumpkin Coffee.
Kurt Vonnegut speaks meaningful words that radiate throughout Halle’s life: “Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain let you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.”


Senior Health Assistant student, Jem Montgomery has been sworn into the United States Navy as an E1 Seaman Recruit. After graduation, she will serve her country as a Medic and plans to continue her education to become a Psychologist or Therapist in a VA Hospital. In her spare time, you will most likely find her spending time with her family and friends OR with her nose in a classic novel.