Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thank You, Mr. Simon ~ by Kaitlyn Wright

An archery team?  It had never been done before this year.  I sorta like archery -- a lot, but should I try out for the team?  Would I like it?  Will I know anyone else and would we get along?  I decided to stand outside of my comfort zone and go for it.

Trying out for the archery team and MAKING it was a honor, but I still had my worries, but I'm glad I did it. I had so much fun; I had a smile on my face all day.  I loved meeting new people, making new friends, and being competitive.

When it came time for my team to show what we could do, I had to focus.  I had to concentrate.  I had to remember everything I was taught.  and look -- I did great! 2nd place!

I'd like to say, "Thank you" to Mr. Simon for being such an influence on the team.

You showed us so much about archery and so much more. I know I had trouble with my stance in the start of training, but you inspired me to work on it for hours. You didn't let me give up.  Even when I was bruised and my shoulders ached, you encouraged me to press on.  It was all worth it, and I appreciate all you taught me -- We all appreciate you.

Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity.  I will never forget it.
