Monday, October 23, 2017

On the Job Site: Masonry ~ Calvin Lample

On Tuesday, October 17th, the junior/senior masonry class of LCCTC were able to gain experience in the field by finishing Shenango High School’s outdoor area. This class consists of seniors Thomas Campbell and Zach King and juniors Donavan Griffin, Kayla Karenbauer, Marilyn Knechtel, Calvin Lample, Trevor Stubbs, and Trenton Yale.

Calvin sets pavers 

What did their scope of work include? This class had to grade all of the soil deposits remaining in the area; this includes digging down 4-5 inches below the finished grade, putting down a layer of limestone gravel, and laying limestone sand on top of the gravel. These kids had to plate tamp the area to make it level so the top layer of pavers is laid perfectly.

Though it's not easy work, Masonry students love the work.

Zach King said, "Going out on the job site helps better our understanding of what real world of work is like."

Making sure it's perfectly level
“My teacher often tells us that ‘Speed is money’,” reflects Donovan Griffin. “I understand what he means; the faster we work – correctly – the faster we’ll be paid.”

Mr. Sperdute makes sure the job is done and done right! 

"I'm glad I chose masonry. Mr. Sperdute makes sure I fully understand what I'm doing before I move on, and he makes me feel like I belong here,” Kayla Karenbauer states.

These kids will soon be ready to go out on the job site and see what real jobs are like so they can face the field with skill and experience..

Thomas set the bricks 

Laying a solid base

Marilyn works to make sure the bricks fit just right!