Wednesday, March 15, 2017

HA Blood Drive: Why I Donated Blood ~ Brandee D'Ambrosi

Most people think that the only way to save a life is to become a Firefighter, a Surgeon, or even a Police Officer. I am not one to select those options as my career, but I still can find a way to save three lives -- all because of the Blood Drive on February 28th, 2017.

In the United States, approximately 32,000 pints of blood are used each day. One out of every seven people entering the hospital needs blood, and one blood donation of one pint has the potential to save 3 lives. At the blood drive, 95 of LCCTC’s very own students and faculty came together to donate a pint of blood each. With all of the donations, we potentially saved 285 lives!
Krista and Gemma are all smiles for the day!
When I asked the Health Assistance teacher, Mr.Pavia why he organized the Blood Drive, he told me a story that took me by surprise:
  • Last month, there was a 17 year old who had a rare bleeding disorder at a hospital in Pittsburgh. There was a national blood shortage, so hour by hour, they didn’t know whether they would have enough blood to keep the boy alive. Thankfully, the boy lived.
“Most people don’t realize how much donations help the gravely ill hospitalized patients,” recalls our school nurse, Mrs. Cwynar. “When I worked at Children’s, blood transfusions were a daily procedure.”
It's really not that bad!
“You depend on people to donate blood. We can make a lot of things, but we can’t make blood.” added Mr.Pavia.  “By having the blood drives here at LCCTC, we have such a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in our community. With us now joining with the Central Blood Bank, the all of the local hospitals in this area utilize this service.  I can’t thank you all enough.”

LCCTC graduate, Maddy, returns to help others
From the moment that I got my Blood Drive permission slip, the excitement I felt was more than I could bare, but when I donated, physically, it was not the best feeling in the world. Watching a 16 gauge (HUGE) needle go into my arm was not my favorite part, and feeling lightheaded afterward didn’t feel too good either. I definitely didn’t feel very well after donating, but the thought of possibly saving 3 lives made me feel much better.

“A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.”
-Steve Maraboli

Mr Milanovich donates, yet again as Mr. Pavia volunteers to insert the needle!  LOL
?? proudly dons her t-shirt
Hallie and Paige give moral support to Alaina
Alize and Brittany help with registration
Ha is ready to help you with snacks!
Mr. Dudich, Head Custodian
Mrs. Sipe, Secretary

Mrs. Kolodziej, Business Office
??, Cyber Academy
Jacob, COT
??, ??
??, ??
Mr. Anabelle , Custodian
Mrs. Cepro, Cosmetology Instructor
Mrs. O'Donnell