Sunday, October 30, 2016

Blood Drive

No -- it's not the vampires who want your blood. It's the Central Blood Bank, and they desperately need your donations!

According to representatives from the CBB,

  • "the drive did better than expected and had 89 donors register and 76 life-saving units of blood were collected with 15 deferrals. Because of the generous and giving efforts of the staff and students, over 200 patient lives can be supported and/or saved at local hospitals such as UPMC - Jameson due to the generosity of everyone who gave or volunteered to help. Everyone’s efforts are greatly appreciated and this continued support of the local blood program will go a long way toward replenishing blood supplies and ultimately saving lives."
This is great news. So many are able to be helped because of the support of LCCTC's staff and students.

Here's a big thank you from Mr. Pavia:  

We would like to thank all people who donated blood yesterday. Between students and staff, we had the most successful blood drive that I have been part of.
  • The blood drive staff complimented all of our students, saying how respectful all of our students were with the staff, also how impressive our drive was, with the size of our school (compared to the other schools in our district, the average is approx. 40-60 successful donations, we had over 70)
  • We processed over 90 units of blood yesterday. that will be used on over 270 people
  • Thank you to all of the staff that helped in donating yesterday
  • A special thank you to those who helped me with items yesterday that came about suddenly:  (Margy for the yearbook, Dana/Morgan for the list of students/birth dates, Ms. Pasterik for the yearbook and going above and beyond to make it work, front office Ashlee for printing off all of the roster sheets. Ms. Price and all the RT students for making pizza for the students to eat during lunch time of the blood drive (which was amazing). Janine for being so understanding for all of the attendance violations that I am sure we had. Mr. Orelli/Mr. Barker and the "NBA Morning Playoff Group" for allowing us to use the gym. And to all of the teachers who graciously allowed their students to come during the school day. Without you, this would never be able to happen.