Friday, February 9, 2018

Earning their Way to States!

LCCTC's SkillsUSA students have a fresh, new batch of chocolate bars to satisfy your sweet-tooth!

Proceeds go to help students pay for dues, the District 10 Leadership Conference, District 10 Competitions, and now, State Competition and Leadership in Hershey, PA!

To date, we have sold 14,000 candy bars!  We also sold over 750 roni rolls, and we're currently starting an Augustine's Pizza fundraiser!  YUM!

For that, we thank you for supporting SkillsUSA at LCCTC, and for sending that message of encouragement to our students that what they do -- COUNTS!

Aaron helps stack the new shipment.

Krista carries a stack of candy bars into the truck.

Kyle, Aaron, and Jacob are all-work, no play today!

You'd buy a candy bar from this gentleman, right?