Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thanking Those Who Choose to Serve

Why should we honor those who choose to serve in our military? It is simple -- because they risk their lives so we can be free, so we can be safe, so we can live in a better country!

We honor our LCCTC Heroes for choosing to live a life of service:

"I wanted to help myself with a better life," states Ethan Caylor, Masonry senior. "I also wanted to serve my country. I'll be able to attend college with the GI bill, too!"

Ethan Caylor, Army
"I wanted to serve my country.  My brother was in the Army, and I always looked up to him.  I know that I'm making him proud," states Madalyn Foster, junior Carpentry student.  "Gosh -- I'm proud of myself.  I'll be able to get my life together, to be a disciplined worker.  I'm really glad I joined."
Madalyn Foster ~ Army

It's something I've always wanted to do," states Griffin Holtom, machine shop junior, "because I like helping people.  This way, I'm helping my country."

Griffin Holtom  ~ Army

Kyle McKinnis, Marines
"I choose the Marines because, ever since I was younger, it interested me;" states Jacob Troutman.  "It sort of stuck with me.  I am looking to go into the infantry and want to serve our country overseas.  I feel that I my service will help me further my education."

Jacob Troutman, Marines
If you, or any other current LCCTC student, decides to serve our country in the armed forces, please contact Mrs. McVicker at  Please provide a picture and a brief quote with your reasons for joining.  In advance, thank you for your service!