Friday, January 29, 2016

A Day in the Life of...HA ~ Samantha Amon

Most of us here at LCCTC, we don’t hear words like cardiovascular, contusion, or angina pectoris. However, for students in Health Assistance, these are words that they hear everyday. The medical field isn’t all about the glamour that they show on TV; it is a lot of hard work that requires dedication.

The students who decide to join the HA family are joining because they love helping people. “We are like one big dysfunctional family. We are always there for each other," comments senior Allison Clingensmith.

Due to the many, many students who enroll in these classes, Mr. Pavia and Miss. O'Donnell separate the week between the two classrooms! No matter how many kids are in the classroom you will always be able to get the one-on-one time you need.

During their time in HA, students are able to take their certification exams to become a Nurse’s Aid. Being able to make a change in someone life is a privilege -- especially being able to do it when you're in high school! This is true of Makaila Holsinger who currently works a part-time co-op job as a CNA at Jameson Care Center. “Walking into work to see my residents smile makes my day 100% better,” Makaila says.

Being an aide means helping the patients up in the morning, feeding them, bathing them, and putting them to bed. The aides sit with residents, listen to them, and let them cry on their shoulders when they are upset. Even somthing as simple as a walk with residents can often make all the difference in the world of a resident.

Madison Hansotte works at Shenango Presbyterian Senior Care Retirement Community as an aide. As a full-time student, she still manages to spend time after school with her residents. "Spending time with my residents is the best thing in the world. I love to hear about their lives; it is like experiencing a living history lesson. When she graduates, Madison plans on attending Sharon Regional Nursing School.

Makaila Holsinger is on part time Co-Op; she works at Jameson Care Center as an aide. She works the 3-11 shift, which means she feeds the residents dinner and puts them in bed while checking on all the residents for the night. Makaila plans on attending Youngstown State University.

For students who wish to study nursing at LCCTC, they can expect to work hard, to learn cooperatively, and to have a lot of fun. Kylie Smith adds that students should be "prepared to take their nurse aide exam, to be ready to take on the world of nursing, and to listen to Mr. Pavia sing."

While hearing Mr. Pavia sing might sound exciting, studying nursing is even MORE exciting! If you know of someone who is interested in caring for others and making a difference in the world, have them consider Health Assistance. "To the world, you may only be one person, but to that one person, you may be the world." ~ Dr. Seuss