Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Thank You, Custodians ~ Presley Boots

Usually people pay no attention to the people who clean our school for our health and benefit. Lately, I’ve been being more appreciative to the custodians we have here at LCCTC.

Our custodians clean up after everyone at every time of the day. If the lunchroom is a mess, who do you think cleans it up? Our very own custodians; they take pride in their work.  They burst with pride when visitors comment on how clean our school truly is!

Our custodians are constantly on the move throughout our school doing the best they can to keep LCCTC, our home for 6 hours of the day, clean. Where would our school be without these amazing men?

Few would take on the job of mopping up messes, cleaning our bathrooms, or even staying hours past the school hours to make sure everything is nice and clean for us the next day, and we should appreciate their efforts!

If you see an LCCTC custodian be sure to thank them for all that they do to keep our school clean. They don't have the prettiest jobs, the least we,  the students of LCCTC, could do is show thanks, gratitude, and respect to these great men!